a/ Beyoutiful Beauties: Holly Jolly Christmas Bloggy: Day 2

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Holly Jolly Christmas Bloggy: Day 2

Hey Everyone!!!!!! It's Day 2 of Holly Jolly Christmas Bloggy!!!!!!!! Today's post are a few Christmas decoration ideas for your room. Some of the pictures are kinda blurry, so...sorry!

#1: Shoe box picture frame
For this diy, you need a shoe box lid, a ruler, paper, scissors, glue or tape, markers, and clear film.

First, using a colored pencil draw strips on a sheet of paper to look like a candy cane.

Then, using a paper, trace the inside of the shoe box lid so you'll know where to cut it.

Then cut the rectangle out. I had to use a really sharp cutter, but I don't know what they're called...or maybe they're called cutters!

Then tape plastic film on the inside of the frame to make it look like glass, or the thing that covers a picture in a picture frame.

Finally, you can draw whatever you want, or you can put a picture in it, and tape it inside the frame. I wrote a Bible verse shaped written to look like a tree!

#2: Christmas Candy Jar
For this diy, you will need a jar (I used a pickle jar, and I soaked it for like a week, but it still smells like pickles!)
Place candy cans all around the rim of the jar, and top it off with a cute decoration. I just used a star, which is actually a princess wand!
Then, you can't really see all of it, but I wrote Santa Clause is coming to town on a paper and taped it onto the jar

#3: Candy Can Snow Bear
For this decoration, you will need a cute teddy, and two candy canes, pretty simple!
Just tape the two candy canes together, and place them on the teddy bear for a cute Christmas decoration.
Well, that is all of my Christmas diys and decorations! I hoped you found these helpful! If you try any of these out, send me a pic on Twitter @itunu_aro!
Check back tomorrow for Day 3 of Holly Jolly Christmas Bloggy!
Thank You!
Stay True, Be You,

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