a/ Beyoutiful Beauties: Bible Talk

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Bible Talk

Hey Everyone! How was your week? This week, it was freezing! It got as low as 5 degrees! Then, it rained so much in the middle of the night. We got up at 2 Am this morning to take my big sister to the bus station at, because her and her friend were going back to school. It was raining and thundering so much, but we got back home safely, and they got back to school safely. Now, the weather is pretty nice. It's about 57 degrees right now.
But anyway, I decided to start a new segment called Bible Talk. Basically, I'll be talking about different lessons in the Bible once or twice a month. I thought this would be a good idea because so many people want to know about God. So, if you have questions about what the Bible is, this is for you! 
P.S. I'm not forcing you to read this. If you don't feel comfortable reading it, then you don't have to.

The Bible is a book with God actions in the world and His purpose for all creation. The Bible has 66 books and an Old and New Testament. The Old Testament tells the stories that occurred before Jesus was born, and the New Testament tells of Jesus' birth, His life and death, His rising again, and everything after that.
I will admit, there are some things in the Bible that are really boring. Some chapters just list the names of descendant after descendant. But most of the stories in the Bible are really interesting, like the story of David and Goliath or Jonah and the Whale.
Some people think the Bible just has stories or that it's all just boring opinions about how the world began, but the Bible does have a book of proverbs or wise sayings. This book of proverbs is actually called Proverbs! If you're not sure about the Bible yet, start off by reading the Book of Proverbs, and then just ease your way through a couple of other books.
I really hope this helped some people. If you have any questions about the Bible, you can just ask me in the comments, or you can email me at itunu.aromolaran96@gmail.com.
Thank You!
Stay True, Be You,

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