a/ Beyoutiful Beauties: Itunu's Views: PLL Season Finale, Starbucks, and Meetup or Naw?

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Itunu's Views: PLL Season Finale, Starbucks, and Meetup or Naw?

Hey Everyone! It's time for the first post in today's blog marathon! It's Itunu's Views! I felt like I hadn't done one of these in a while, but then I remembered that I did do this last month, but it was Would You Rather?. Today in Itunu's Views, I'm talking about Pretty Little Liars, Starbucks, and a possible meetup! So here's Itunu's Views!  

1. Pretty Little Liars Season Finale: Okay, if you haven't watched this yet, then just keep on scrolling, because I don't want to give anything away. I can't believe A killed Ezra! And I can't believe A got away without them finding out who he(or she) was! I was so proud of myself for watching every episode this season because I've never done that with the past seasons. I was like okay, I've been keeping up with this show. Now I get to find out who A is. But, they didn't tell us! Now we have to wait until next season to find out! But I'm kind of glad that they didn't give it away, because then next season, that would mean someone else would be A and the whole process would start all over again. I really thought that Allison's mom was A because of how creepy she was acting, but I guess not. I feel like I know who A is, but then again, I'm not sure. So, comment telling me who you think is A. 

2. Starbucks: Okay, so this might be a shocker for all you Starbucks-lovers who go out for Starbucks every day, but...I've never had Starbucks before. You can judge me. It's not like I've never had the chance to get it, it's just that I'm waiting for the right moment. I know, I'm weird. I'll probably try it soon, so be sure to tell me what your favorite Starbucks drinks are!

3. Meetup: I've been thinking about this for a while, but I'm not sure when I'm going to do this. I really want to have a meetup! If I get enough people who would go, I'll have a meetup soon. I would probably have a few meetups in the southeast like Tennessee, Florida, Georgia (where I live!), and South Carolina. Whenever I travel to states that aren't in the South, I'll probably tweet about it or put it here on my blog asking if anyone wants a meetup, and if enough people reply, I'll have a meetup at a local mall somewhere. I would love to meet you guys, so if you want a meetup, be sure to comment!

Thank You!
Stay True, Be You,

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