a/ Beyoutiful Beauties: Spring Breakers 2014: What's In My Suitcase + Tips for Packing

Friday, March 28, 2014

Spring Breakers 2014: What's In My Suitcase + Tips for Packing

Hey Everyone! Happy Friday! So, some of you have already had spring break, but for some of you, spring break is almost here! For Spring Break 2014, I decided to do a spring break series called Spring Breakers 2014. The reason I did this so late was because I haven't had spring break yet, so I just assumed you guys hadn't had spring break yet, so I'm sorry about that. But, this can still be used for any mini weekend vacays you go on. So, let's get started!

This is the inside of my suitcase. It's actually my Dad's suitcase. I don't really travel much, but I definitely want to start traveling more. You really don't have to use these packing tips for spring break. The things that I packed here are actually the things that I took to Winterfest a few weeks ago. Thanks to my little sister for letting me take her Bible because mine has ripped and fallen apart.

 Here are some packing tips for any vacation you're going on!

1. When traveling, I think that you should only take one suitcase to avoid crowding and having too much luggage. Depending on where you're going and how many days you're going to be there, you can take a small, medium, or large suitcase. I took a small suitcase when I went to Tennessee, and that was for four days(and I'm an over packer!) so a medium sized suitcase is probably good for about a week.

2. Pack at least 2 more outfits than days you're on vacation. For example, if you're on vacation for 4 days, pack at least 6 outfits or more. That gives you more choices to choose from.

3. Pack different kinds of clothing. What I mean is, pack for different weather conditions, because just because the weather forecast says that it's going to be a sunny 72 degrees all week, sometimes it's not certain. So pack shorts and tank tops for sunny days as well as layered clothing and cardigans for chilly evenings.

4. Pack different kinds of shoes too. Pack flip flops, sandals, sneakers, flats, etc. because of changing weather conditions and for more choices to choose from. Also, don't forget to pack spring break essentials like sunscreen, sunglasses, etc.)

5. Roll up your shirts, and if you can, your shorts, skirts, cardigans, and dresses to make more room for more items to put in your suitcase.

6. This isn't a packing tip, but it's important: Be safe and make the right choices this spring break, and always.

I hope these packing tips were helpful to you! Check back tomorrow for the second installment of Spring Breakers 2014. And if you have any spring break necessities, be sure to comment!

Thank You!
Stay True, Be You,

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