a/ Beyoutiful Beauties: Getting Ready for Exams + Final Exam OOTD

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Getting Ready for Exams + Final Exam OOTD

Hey Everyone! As the last couple weeks of school approach, with the excitement, comes the pressure and frustration of studying for finals. DUN, DUN, DUN! So, I'm going to give you study tips and advice to help you ace your final exams! Let's get started!

1. Note Cards: Note cards are almost essential when studying for exams. Of course, there are apps where you can make note cards and whatnot, but I would recommend making handwritten note cards, because when you write things down, they're more likely to stick in your head.

2. Apps: There are apps for everything these days, so why not put them to good use by downloading apps to help you study? 
  • The first one is called Study Buddy (It's actually called College Study Buddy, but you can use it even if you're in high school and middle school!), which is a planner that helps you organize important dates and times. It also has optional notifications that will go off at the end of the selected classes to remind you to jot down anything from that class that you need to remember.

  • Another study app is Exam Time, which allows you to create online mind maps, flashcards, notes, and quizzes. It's an app designed to help you improve your learning and prepare you for exams. 

  • The third app isn't really a study app, but I thought it was a cool make to make sure you don't hit the snooze button one too many times! It's called Maths Alarm Clock, and if you want to hit the snooze button, you have to solve a math problem first. You're probably thinking "Why would I download that?", but you should download it because not only does it help you to not be late for school, it also gets your brain working quicker, which is a good thing!

3. Eat Up: While you're studying for finals, you can't forget to eat! But instead of going for the sugary or salty snacks, choose healthier foods. To improve your health, memory, and concentration, eat blueberries, nuts and seeds, avocados, wild salmon, and whole grains. 

4. Take a Breather: Every couple of hours, you need to take about 30 minute snack breaks, music breaks, t.v. breaks, exercise breaks-things that will help you relax.
Tip: Know when to stop studying. You can't study 12 hours non-stop. That's not good, and it most likely won't help you. It really depends on how you study. Some people can only study for 15 minutes before they take a break, and others can study for 3 hours before taking a break. Just know your limit.

5. Chill Out: I know the frustration of studying can really get to you, but don't get anxious. Just chill out. 

Here are some quick tips for finals week:
Stay hydrated.
Exercise to help sharpen your thinking.
Get a good night's sleep so that you don't end up like this on the morning of finals:

Here is a cute, simple, and comfy Finals OOTD for you!

Sweater: Aeropostale
Tee: Forever 21
Jeans: American Eagle
Head wrap: Forever 21
Shoes: Aqua Blue Toms

I hope this helps you prepare for your finals, and I hope you ace them! If you have any other study tips, be sure to comment, so we can all see them! And, if you have a cute Finals OOTD that you want me to see, be sure to send me a picture on Twitter @itunu_aro! And check back later today for your Weekly Inspiration!
Thank You!
Stay True, Be You,

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