a/ Beyoutiful Beauties: Just Call Me a College Freshie + Some of my Fave Pins

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Just Call Me a College Freshie + Some of my Fave Pins

Hey Everyone! So, today I'm blogging to you from, wait for it...my dorm room!!!!!!!!
Today was so hectic: We woke up around 7 because the car unloading thing was from 8AM to 10AM (You're probably wondering why it was so early, but it's because the schedule went by last names, and my last name starts with an A, so...yeah.)

And then, we went to the coliseum to get my mail box keys and other information about the school.
After that, we went to my dorm room, and moved some things around to make it look more spacious (and it worked!) My Mom, my little sis, and I unpacked everything, while my Dad tried to work the T.V. The only channel that was showing was MTV, so I had to go an ask someone what was up!

Thankfully, they said that it was a problem with so many people all day, and we would have to email the technical peeps. Then, I guess they'll find a way to fix it, but until then, MTV and YouTube it is. (And I'm not complaining because the VMAs are tomorrow; in case you wanna watch it, it's on MTV!)

Later on, we went to Walmart, and this is probably one of the things about college that I looked forward to: shopping for whatever food item I want!
I have a meal plan, so I just bought some snacks and whatnot.

I'll probably have some pics of my dorm up sometime next week, so look out for that!
Oh, and I know I said that I would post pictures from last week when we took my sister back to college, but she still hasn't sent them t me, so I'll let you know when I update that blog post!

But anyway, I didn't really have a post planned for today, so I just thought I would share some of my favorite pins from my favorite site atm: Pinterest!

1. Inspirational

These verses aren't only great for college kids, but they're helpful to everyone. This blogger shares verses about faith, trust, and other things that you need in your life! Check it out!

2. Nail-ed It!

Something I really want to start doing is painting my nails adventurously. I usually just go for one color maybe with polka dots or something, but I want to start doing more designs like the coral and gold design shown in the pic!

3. That's my kind of style

I recently made a fashion board on Pinterest, and I don't know why, but this is probably one of my favorite looks on my board! The striped shirt with the floral shorts, and the mint Vans with the socks, and the scenery of the picture too... I don't know, I just like it a lot!

4. Blogging

Before, I re-designed my blog (P.S. I'm not quite finished with it yet!), I was looking at tons of websites for cute and different fonts, so here is the list with one of the fonts that I downloaded. It's Penelope Anne! Isn't it cute?

5. The Giggles

And of course, I couldn't finish this post without a funny pin!  I actually posted this picture on Twitter because I thought it was so funny!

To see more of the pictures I've pinned, you can check out my Pinterest page!

Thank You!
Stay True, Be You,


  1. So dang exciting! Sounds like fun :) That gold and coral nail design is really cute, and looks pretty easy!

    1. Yeah, I'm pretty excited! The nail design does look easy, doesn't it? I think I might try it out!


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