a/ Beyoutiful Beauties: That Random Post...

Friday, April 25, 2014

That Random Post...

Hey Everyone! Happy Friday! Okay, I really don't like when this happens, especially on days that I'm blogging, and I haven't planned ahead for it (which is rare), but I feel like I have writer's block, or Bloggers Block in this case. I literally can't think of anything to write about, and it would be on the weekend that I didn't plan anything to blog about! I've Googled ideas, but I can't seem to find anything that I can blog about at 10:30 PM because they're like makeup tutorials, and other stuff that would take hours to accomplish. So today, I guess I'll do something different. 

1. Oreo Jar Cake
That's pretty cool, but why are the Oreos in a jar? Is it like pureed Oreo cookies? I know this is a cake, but where did the inspiration come from? Do they actually have an Oreo cookie jar thing?

2. What to do?
This was literally what I thought when The Clique Series ended (comment if you remember that book series!). That was my favorite series!

3. DIY

This would be a really cool DIY for people who have a ton of electronics and not enough outlets to plug all of them in at once. I might do a DIY on this!

4. Living Luxuriously
This house is so cool! I wouldn't mind living here!

1. Inspiration
Just some inspiration for you from God :)

"My grace is sufficient for you." -God
I hope you enjoyed that random post! I actually enjoyed doing that. I'll start doing more posts like this if you like them, so comment!
And don't forget to follow me on Twitter and Instagram @itunu_aro!
Thank You!
Stay True, Be You,

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