a/ Beyoutiful Beauties: Summer Collage

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Summer Collage

Hey Everyone! Happy Saturday! So, guess what? I'm graduating tomorrow! I'm so excited, but nervous at the same time! (If you're graduating high school, college, middle school, or even elementary school, Congratulations from me to you!) For me, Summer Break has officially started, so I thought I would post a cool collage of the summertime!
P.S. Don't worry, for those of you who haven't started Summer Break yet, hang in there a few more weeks. I'll probably do a few Summer DIY projects leading up to Summer officially starting next month!

These are just a few things that come to mind when I think of Summer. 
1. Cute Penny Boards: I don't have a penny board, but I think that they're so cute, especially the pastel colored ones. I don't even know how to skateboard, but I still think that penny boards are super cute!

2. Buggy Vans: I'm not sure what these are called: Buggy Vans, Volkswagen Vans, Caravans, but these cars are so cool! I actually think that they're probably the coolest cars out there, and I'm not just saying that because One Direction rode in an orange buggy van in What Makes You Beautiful (remember that?)!

3. OOTDs: Summer is a time where you can be so creative and expressive yourself in clothing. So, Summer OOTDs are really fun, creative, and ca-yute!

4 & 5: Healthy and Colorful Food: I feel like Summer is really the time when fruit comes out a lot. I'll post some healthy and delicious recipes in the summertime!

6. OOTD #2: Again with the OOTDs! I just think Summer outfits are so cute!

7. Lemonade: When I think of Summer, I think of yummy lemonade!

8. Sunglasses: Sunglasses are a must for Summer, and there are so many cool prints and styles out there, so check them out!

What do you think of when you hear the word "Summer"? Comment!
Thank You!
Stay True, Be You,


  1. Congrats on graduating! I'm so excited for summer.



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