a/ Beyoutiful Beauties: Itunu's Declassified School Survival Guide #4: Lunchin'

Friday, August 29, 2014

Itunu's Declassified School Survival Guide #4: Lunchin'

Hey Peeps! I'm back home for the weekend! I'm really excited because I already missed my fam-a-lam (I started missing them like 5 minutes after they left!), so I'm happy to be back at home!
Well, this first week of college was pretty hectic!
I have 4 classes on Mondays and Wednesdays, only 1 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and 0 on Fridays (Yay!)!
I've had a lot to do, from seeing what's up with my books, to essays and other homework (already?!?), so I've been a busy bunny (a little change up from busy bee! You like?)!
So, today, I thought I would do another episode of Itunu's Declassified School Survival Guide! Today, we're gonna be chatting about lunch, and healthy lunch at that!
P.S. I should probably follow my own advice, because mostly everything that I've eaten this week has been junk food! What can I say? College has that affect on people...

You like my little graphic thingy? Enjoy your lunch kiddies!

For the Gluten-free-ers: Here's a great lunch idea for people who eat gluten free foods: gluten free chicken strips, string beans (better than peas in my opinion), Glutinous pretzels, grapes, cut up cheese string cheese.
Check out ipacklunch.com for more info.

For the vegetarian: I think there's a certain kind of vegetarian group that can't eat it (lacto-ovo and ovo vegetarians). If you're in one of these groups, then you can just go for pita chips.
Click the link for more info!

The Eat-Anything-You-Want-er (that's me!): I probably wouldn't be able to finish this, so you can share it with your friends!

Well, there's some lunch ideas for you!
Hope you liked it!
Which lunch idea was your fave? Comment!

Thank You!
Stay True, Be You,

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