a/ Beyoutiful Beauties: Monthly Faves:July

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Monthly Faves:July

Hey Everyone! Can you believe it's August already? Soon, we'll all be heading back to school. I know, it's horrible. (Jk, jk!)
I'm actually excited to be going back to school, not only because I'm starting college this month, but I don't think I've ever been the person who dreads going back to school...okay, maybe just a little. But, for the most part, I look forward to starting a new year, making new friends and memories, and whatnot.
But anyway, enough of my talking, or, err, typing. Let's get on with this post!

I don't know why, but this time around, I just scattered everything. All of the entertainment faves should have been together, but I don't know what I was doing when I did this.
And again, I'm lacking in beauty products! I haven't been trying anything new lately. Should this even be called a fashion, BEAUTY, and lifestyle blog anymore? I'm just kidding! I'll try out new beauty products this month! I've been looking for a better full coverage mascara. Any recommendations?

1. Bolthouse Farms Juice: I've been really liking these juices because they're healthy and they taste delicious! The juice pictured is the mango one, and while that one is so good, this month, I've really been liking the Bolthouse Farms Mocha Cappuccino. If you haven't tasted this, you seriously should!

2. Pink Lemonade: The first time I'd had pink lemonade in a long time was this Fourth of July. We bought the little container with the pink lemonade powder that you mix into water, and we had some left over, so it was my "go-to" beverage for a while!

3. Devious Maids: Does anyone reading this watch Devious Maids? Well, if you don't, it's not too late to catch up! It's such a crazy and mysterious show, so you should definitely watch it if you're into that!

4. Pinterest: If you read one of my Weekly Update posts, you already know that I made a Pinterest account a few weeks ago! I didn't really know what it was about except that people pinned pictures that they liked, but after further investigation(what?), I knew I would like it, so I signed up! Check out my Pinterest account!

5. The Fault in Our Stars: So, I went to watch TFIOS with my Mom a few weeks ago, and yes, I cried. It was just so sad. Of course the movie was sad, but what got to me the most is that these kind of things happen in real life, and this movie and the book was actually inspired by a girl, Esther Earl. Read her story here.
P.S. Did you know Ansel Elgort isn't just an actor? He's a dancer,a music producer, AND a DJ too! Just be mine already? Jk, he has a girlfriend... #thatawkwardmomentwhen...

Now onto music:

6. The Swon Brothers-Later On: If you watched The Voice Season 4, you probably recognize Zach and Colton, aka The Swon Brothers, who got 3rd place. I actually heard this song a couple times at the beach last weekend, and it's weird, but I honestly already knew that it was them before I looked up the song. I'm not the biggest country fan, but I have been liking country music more lately.

Which leads to the next song...

7. Florida Georgia Line-This is How We Roll: I had the song Cruise in my June Faves last month, and now, Florida Georgia Line is back on my Faves list this month too!

8. Ingrid Michaelson: I use to listen to Ingrid's music all the time in 9th grade. My 2 favorite songs of hers are Everybody and Maybe. Then, I just thought she had stopped writing music. But then, like last month, I heard this song on Switched At Birth, and I didn't know who it was by, but it sounded catchy to me. I didn't know it was Ingrid's song until like a few days ago, because I actually heard the lyrics for the first time. At the "girls chase boys" part i knew it was her because I quite a few bloggers had put this song up as their favorites last month!

9. Kari Jobe-Steady my Heart: I found this song on Savannah's (from La Belle Fille) blog. In the post she included this song in, she talked about how sometimes things don't go according to our plan, but it's not our plan that matters; it's God's plan for our lives that matter. The song fits so well with that message, because when we're worried because things aren't going our way, we should just ask God to steady our hearts!

Well, those are my faves for July! I hope you enjoyed them!!!!!!!
What are your July Faves? Be sure to tell me in the comments!!!!!!!!
Thank You!
Stay True, Be You,

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