a/ Beyoutiful Beauties: Liebster Award!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Liebster Award!!!!!!!

Hey Everyone! I know that I don't usually post on Wednesday, but, I'm interrupting my normal blogging schedule, because...I got nominated for a Liebster Award!!!!!!!!!! Claire from Simply Darling nominated me (Thank You Claire!), and I'm so excited. The Liebster Award is a way to find and interact with rising bloggers. 

So, when you get nominated, you follow these rules:

1. Post 11 facts about yourself.

2. Answer the 11 questions created by the person who nominated you.

3. Create your own set of questions for the people you are going to nominate.

4. Choose 11 people (who have under 200 followers) to nominate, and link them to your blog.

5. Let the people you've nominated let them know they've been tagged. No tag backs!

So, let's get started!!!!!!!

Facts About Me

1. My full name is actually Itunuoluwa, (Don't worry, I don't even know how to pronounce it properly!) and it means "God has comforted me."

2. I haven't been on a plane since I moved here from the U.K when I was 4.

3. I took 3 years of French in 10th,11th, and 12th grade. I thought I was pretty advanced, but then I heard that they're's a such thing as French 5...

4. I would still watch The Backyardigans if I could find it on T.V! What? It's a good show!

5. In 7th and 8th grade, I was obsessed with The Clique Series! I read all the books and watched the movie!

6. I was home schooled in 11th grade. Well, it was an online school, but same thing...almost.

7. I've had glasses since 2nd grade. I'm about ready for contacts now!

8. My family is amazing! I love them so freaking much! I love them so much, I had to add "freaking" to it!

9. I've never had a boyfriend before. I've never even been on a date before...

10. People used to think my big sister and I were twins when we were little, but she's actually 20 months older than me!

11. I love Jesus with all my heart, and I live to serve Him  and to bring Him glory.

Now, here are my answers to Claire's questions:

1. Describe your style.

-My style is somewhere in between preppy and Cali-girl wannabe!

2. Are you an early bird or night owl?

-I want to say night owl, but I feel like I get more things done in the
 morning, so I'm probably an early bird!

3. Are you a procrastinator or do you like getting things done early?

-A lot of the time, I want to get things like schoolwork and projects done early, but sometimes, I procrastinate when it comes to blogging, but it's not on purpose!

4. Favorite holiday?

-Christmas for sure!!!!!!!

5. Favorite summer memory?

-The summer going into 2nd or 3rd grade (I think), my Mom, my Dad, my sisters, and I went to Tennessee. We went to the aquarium, then when we went into town, we had the most delicious ice cream we'd ever tasted! It was homemade!

6. Favorite place to vacation?

-My favorite place to vacation is probably Tennessee!

7. What are you most excited for in the upcoming school year?

-I'm most excited about starting college!

8. How and when did you start blogging?

-I started blogging just over a year ago, because I really like fashion, and I want to be an inspiration to girls everywhere!

9. Your favorite movie?

-My favorite movie would have to be She's the Man!

10. Who is your biggest inspiration?

-My Mommy! She's been through so much, but she just picks herself right back up (with God's help, of course!), and moves on!

11. What do you want to do when you graduate college?

-I'd love to own clothing boutiques around the world, and I think it would be cool to be a magazine editor!

My questions:
1. If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would it be?
2. What's your favorite dessert?
3. What was your favorite thing to do as a child?
4. What are some of your hobbies now?
5. Who's your inspiration?
6. What's your style (preppy, boho, urban, etc.)?
7. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
8. Tribal print or polka dots?
9. Why did you decide to become a blogger?
10. Who is your style icon?
11. What's your favorite t.v show?

Who did I nominate?
Cathleen of Classy Cathleen
Constance of Prep Northwest
Tianna of Dressed to a Ti
Kierra of Lavishingg
Alana of Hey Sassy Girl
Stephanie of Stephanie Alexandra 
Miss ALK of Southern Belle in Training
Salli of Style By Salli
Bethany of Miss Unrep
Allie of Reckless in Your Love

While you're here, don't forget to checkout these bloggers websites (including Claire!). They're all amazing bloggers!!!!!!! Thank You again to Claire, who nominated me!

Thank You!
Stay True, Be You,
♥ ♥ ♥


  1. I LOVE SHE'S THE MAN! So. Good. Also, thank you so much for nominating me! It means a lot :)

    1. I know! It's such a funny movie!!!!!!!!! You definitely deserve the nomination Allie!!!!!!!!!

  2. I love this whole idea, it's so creative!!! thanks so much for nominating me too, I can't wait to answer these!!! :)

    1. No problem!!!!!! I can't wait to see your answers to the questions!!!!!!!

  3. Thanks for the nomination! Being a magazine editor is the dream :)

    1. You're welcome Bethany!!!!!!! Magazine editor is the dream, isn't it?!?!?

  4. Just now seeing this, ahh! Thank you so much for nominating me! You're so sweet!

    1. You're welcome!!!!!!! Thanks for saying I'm so sweet!!!!!!!!

  5. So I'm just now seeing this!! But thank you so much for nominating me!! :)


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