a/ Beyoutiful Beauties: November Favorites

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

November Favorites

So, it's finals week, for most college kids anyway. But, it's actually been pretty good. I had two finals yesterday and one on Thursday. You may be thinking, "Oh, she has it so easy. She only has to take 3 tests." 
This is true, but in the 2 Creative Writing classes that I don't have finals in (they're kinda like conjoined classes, but with 2 different grades and subject matters), we had 4 assignments due these past 2 weeks: 1 last week, 2 tomorrow, and 1 on Thursday. And, they're, like, big assignments. Sheesh.
I'm not complaining or anything, but I think I would have preferred taking a final in those two classes. Of course I wouldn't be saying this if I hadn't procrastinated on those assignments...

Pic from my Sunday night study session :)

But, anyway, on to today's post. November Favorites. And get this: In this month's favorites, I actually have an equal amount for each category: 3 beauty favorites, 3 entertainment favorites, and 3 random favorites! That hasn't happened in months!
- Maybelline Lipstick: I really didn't come prepared with this one. I don't exactly remember the name of it...or the color. But it's actually my Mom's, and she has a really dark burgundy gloss that goes great with this lipstick!

2. Essie Nail Polish in Mint Candy Apple: Believe it or not, I mentioned this nail polish in my first favorites video almost a year and a half ago. I use it every spring and summer, sometimes my sisters use it, and there's still some left. Not only does it last for a long time, but it's great quality!

3. NYC Nail Polish in French Tip White: I know this nail polish is titled French Tip White, but that doesn't necessarily mean it has to be for french tips, right? Well if it does, oh well. I actually bought this same nail polish like 2 years ago, but it was almost finished and it was getting goopy (not a word) and all, so I got a new one! I recently used these two colors (the white and the mint candy apple) on my nails. I painted all except the finger closest to the pinkie with the mint candy apple color, then I painted that finger that I didn't paint with the mint candy apple color, white. Then, I got some duct tape and cut a cute little heart out. Then I stuck it on the finger painted white, and painted the mint candy apple color over it! It looked really cute, but, I forgot to take pictures. Well, there was this one picture, which I told myself to hide away in the depths of my phone (it was a selfie, that's why.).

This is literally so embarrassing. Focus on the nails, the nails!

1. For King and Country: Fix My Eyes: I heard this song on the radio a few months ago, and I meant to look it up, but I didn't get around to it. But, it's a good thing I didn't because I had the wrong artist, so I probably wouldn't have found the song anyway. But, then I heard it again on the radio like last month, and this time I got the real name of the people who sang it. Lol. But, I just think it's a really inspirational song!

2. Taylor Swift: Blank Space: I do like Taylor Swift, but I'm not like a complete fanatic - I've only heard 2 songs off of her 1989 album, an this just happens to be one of them. My little sister actually got me hooked on this song, and I really like it. It kinda sounds like she's making fun of herself, though...

3. SNL Thanksgiving Special: Okay, our t.v was just randomly on this channel when this special came on, and I know SNL is usually funny, but this one looked kinda old, so I didn't really pay much attention to it. But, later on in the show, I really started watching it, and it was hilarious! One of my favorite sketches was the Joseph Gordon-Levitt one where they would argue at the dinner table, then Kristen Wiig's character would get up because she was angry, and everyone was like, "Sit down!." My other favorite one was Mister Robinson's Neighborhood with Eddie Murphy! But, it was all funny, at least the parts I watched...

1. Hot Fries: better than Hot Cheetos.

2. Pepperidge Farm Montauk Chocolate Chip Cookies: delicious!

3. Dannon Oikos Greek Yogurt - Lemon Meringue: like floating on a cloud of fluffy deliciousness...

Welp, those are all of my favorites for the month of November!
If you have any favorites you would like to share so we can all try them out, then comment below!
Thank You!
Stay True, Be You,


  1. I could've written this list myself! Love it all! Love the two songs you listed- blank space has been on repeat in my apartment lately!

    1. Haha! I know right! It's such a catchy song!


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