a/ Beyoutiful Beauties: Collaboration! What's In My Backpack?

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Collaboration! What's In My Backpack?

Hey Everyone! I've teamed up with Meredith 
(Monogram Meredith) to bring you a Back-to-School collaboration!!!!!!!! I've been wanting to do a back to school series like I did last year, but, I thought it would be cooler if I collaborated with a fellow blogger! Two heads are better than one right?

It was originally supposed to be 3 of us, then 4 of us, but I didn't organize things very well (Sorry, it's my first time doing this collaboration thing!), so know it's just Meredith and I!
Meredith graduated from high school this past school year, and like me, she's starting college in the next few days! (Pretty exciting, right?)
We've teamed up to share some high school advice and whatnot, so I hope you enjoy!
The first post in the series is What's In Our Backpacks. These are the things that we would have carried if we were still in high school! 

If you want to see what I actually put in my backpack last school year, click here!

1. Backpack: I have and always will think that traditional 2-strapped backpacks are the best choice. I used to want to follow the crowd in like 10th grade and carry the cute little tote bag, but I soon realized that that didn't do anything for me but hurt my back, so like a month into sophomore year, I switched to a regular backpack.

2. Gum: I would always chew gum, especially this past school year, because it kinda helped me to stay alert in class, and it was definitely necessary to be alert especially because I had math first period!
This guy that I'd known since like 8th grade was in my math class last school year, and he would always ask me for gum. I didn't want to lie and say that I didn't have any because I obviously did. I would only chew like one piece of gum everyday, and then, I would spit it out at lunch. So, one day, I just decided not to take the whole pack of gum to school anymore. If you're reading this Sean-y boi, I'm sorry. You just gotta do what ya gotta do, ya know?

3. Notebooks: Does this need an explanation?

4. Makeup Bag: I didn't take my makeup bag to school because I just didn't feel it was necessary. I wore makeup to school for like the first 3 weeks, then I didn't feel like anymore. (Applying mascara at 6:15 am isn't the easiest thing to do!) I would definitely recommend a makeup bag if you wear makeup and have a P.E. class. Also, don't forget oil blotting wipes and makeup remover.

5. Calculator: I bought the basic $10 calculator in 10th grade because we didn't really use the $100 graphing calculators, and when we did use them, all the math teachers had a class set, so I didn't really feel the need to buy one. But, if your math teacher doesn't have a class set, and if you're taking Trig, then, I would suggest getting one. (I know, you would rather buy new clothes with that money, but, it's for the best.)

6. Snack: I think that snacks are very important. No, not just because I like food with a passion (Jk.. okay maybe not), but you get hungry in school, and I'm pretty sure it happens when boredom strikes...in that case you'll need enough food to last you all 7-8 hours. (again, jk!) What I would do is take extra Cheez Itz in my lunch bag. I wouldn't be able to finish it during lunch, so I would save it, and eat the rest later on in French class! Don't be like those kids who go to school with $10, and blow it all on snacks from the vending machine...in one day. (Hehe, you thought I was just kidding, didn't you?)

7. Wristlet: If you have lunch money or credit cards or your car keys with you, I would recommend using some sort of wallet/wristlet/keychain. I took my own lunch to school, my Mom picked me up from school everyday, and I rarely bought snacks from the vending machine (Can you believe some of the vending machines accepted credit cards?!?), so I didn't really need a wristlet!

8. Agenda: You need something to write your assignments, projects, and homework in!

9. Water: You don't want to be a dehydrated mess, do ya?!?

10. Lunch: If you're like me and you dislike school lunch, then I would really recommend you to bring your own lunch. Yeah, I stopped eating school lunch like 2 weeks into sophomore year...I just couldn't deal with it.

11. Flash drive: This is really useful if you started an assignment on the computer at school and you want to finish it at home. Or you can just mail it to yourself, like I did!

12. Binder: If you have a notebook and/or folder for each class, then I would say that you only need to carry one binder because you just don't want to be weighed down. School already does that to you, am I right? Am I right?

13. Pencils and Pens, Pens and Pencils: Either way, you need them!

So now that you've seen the essentials I would carry in my backpack, I thought I would share Meredith and my Top Picks. These are things that aren't necessary for school, but we think they're necessary anyway:
1. Deodorant: Meredith's pick
2. Headphones (but, not during class unless you're given permission...by the teacher!): Itunu's pick

Here's the link to Meredith's post! Check it out!!!!!!!

What are some of your school essentials? Be sure to comment!
Thank You!
Stay True, Be You,

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